9.3 What you can do
We all have a part to play in preserving biodiversityThe variety of all life and living processes in the environment.. Here are some actions you can take:
- Plant native species in your garden to create habitat and provide food for native animals. You can also choose plants that are good for bees. Check out this pollinator-friendly planting guide developed by ACT for Bees and Other Pollinators for more ideas.
- Volunteer to restore habitat with groups like ParkCare, Landcare and Greening Australia.
- Follow the cat containment laws – keep your cat indoors or in an enclosed outdoor area. Putting a bell on your cat will help warn native animals if your cat escapes.
- Don’t collect firewood from conservation areas.
- If you travel interstate or come back from overseas, make sure that you don’t bring in foreign plant or animal material, and make sure you follow the quarantine laws to stop invasive species spreading.
- Throw your rubbish in the bin to ensure plastics and other harmful materials don’t end up in the environment.
- Learn more about how Indigenous people care for biodiversityThe variety of all life and living processes in the environment. through restoration and cultural burns – you can start by reading Ngunnawal Country.
Contribute to biodiversity research!
While researchers know a lot about the plants and animals in the ACT, some species remain a mystery. Researchers haven’t found every species yet, and they always want to know more about newly discovered ones. This is where citizen science (science done by everyday people) can help. You can participate in citizen science through the Canberra Nature Map, Waterwatch, Frogwatch, Canberra Birds or other local groups and programs.
See Community leadership in environment, sustainability and climate action to read about more ways Canberrans are getting their hands dirty to protect biodiversityThe variety of all life and living processes in the environment. in the ACT.