Source: OCSE

5. Circular economy and waste

5.4 What you can do

There are lots of things you can do to apply the 9Rs of the circular economy in your everyday life. Can you think of any others?

Worm farm at Taylor Primary School.
Source: Cid Riley.
  • Set yourself a challenge to limit the number of items you buy each month.
  • Check your local Buy Nothing group before purchasing something new.
  • When you go to buy an item, think about whether you actually need to own it yourself. Could you borrow or share one with others instead? Some good examples of this are libraries, ride shares, formal wear hire and the Community Toolbox Canberra.
  • Don’t purchase fast fashion (cheap, low-quality clothing that is rapidly mass-produced in response to the latest trends) – shop at second-hand stores like op shops instead.
  • Choose products that are better for the environment – for example, products that use recycled materials or have less plastic packaging.
  • Repair broken items rather than throwing them away. Repair Cafes can help you with this, and can even teach you how to do it yourself!
  • Bring a reuseable cup when ordering takeaway drinks at cafes, and bring your own bag when going shopping.
  • Donate things you don’t need anymore to charity rather than throwing them away.
  • If you don’t know how to dispose of something sustainably, search the Recyclopaedia. The Recyclopaedia is a fantastic ACT-specific resource that outlines whether items can be recycled or not, as well as providing alternative sustainable disposal methods. This includes listing which local charities or businesses will accept the item and other useful ideas.

Beyond individual action, you could also get your family or school to start thinking about the circular economy. Could you start composting at home, or advocate to have a worm farm installed at your school?

The Sustainable Schools Program provides free support to ACT schools to improve sustainability on campus. Visit their website to find out how you can get your school involved today!