5.5 Activities
From Linear to Circular
If we want to thrive on a planet with limited resources, then we need to transition from a linear economy to a circular economy.
Complete the diagrams below by dragging the terms into the correct slot, then answer the discussion questions.
- What are three downsides of a linear economy?
- Why do you think a linear economy is currently the default?
- What are three benefits of a circular economy?
- What are the biggest challenges in creating a circular economy?
- Do you have any ideas for how these challenges can be overcome?
Conscious Consumers
As consumers, we have power. Choosing which companies to give our money to has a big impact. We can encourage the circular economy by supporting circular businesses and avoiding companies with unsustainable business models, like fast fashion chains.
We can also demand better from businesses by making it clear to them that sustainability is important to us as customers.
For this activity, choose a brand that you’ve purchased something from in the last 6 months. Do some online research to investigate how circular its business model and products are.

- Does the company have publicly available information about what sustainable/circular practices it has employed?
- Think critically about the company’s claims. Are they specific or vague? Are they supported by evidence? For tips on what to look for, do some research into how to spot greenwashingThe act of making false or misleading claims to deceive customers into believing a company’s products are more environmentally friendly than they actually are..
- Develop a list of recommendations that the company could use to improve its circularity and become more sustainable. Think about material use, product design, manufacturing and distribution. For inspiration, you could research some other circular businesses in the same industry.
- How would you approach the company to voice your concerns? Would you send them an email? Message them on social media? Call them out in a public post?
- Draft your chosen communication to the company. Introduce yourself and explain why you, as a customer, want them to go circular. Make sure to include your list of recommendations.
- Get in touch with the company to make your views heard!
Corporations care what their customers think. They have to — or those customers will take their money elsewhere. As the societal demand for sustainable and circular products grow, businesses must keep up or fall behind. We can encourage this culture of circularity and accountability by demanding better from the companies we support.
This worksheet is based on an activity published by Circular Classroom. For more fantastic educational resources on the circular economy, visit:
Zero Waste Challenge Bingo
Download the bingo card below and cross off activities off as you complete them. You could challenge yourself to finish the whole card within a month!