Source: OCSE

2. Community leadership and sustainability

2.2 Values of volunteering

Getting involved in volunteering has so many benefits. Environmental volunteering leads to positive environmental outcomes, increased scientific knowledge, enhanced wellbeing and economic benefits.

Source: OCSE.

Environmental benefits

Volunteers contribute many thousands of hours each year to planting, weeding, trail maintenance, bushfire management, erosion control, and more across Canberra. With over 90 volunteer groups undertaking this type of work in the ACT, we know their work has a big impact.

Environmental volunteers often have a deep understanding of their local reserve developed over many years, as well as a strong personal connection to the area they care for. They are able to quickly report issues like new weeds or invasive species, which allows land managers to remove them before they become more widespread.

Scientific knowledge

Understanding our environment requires lots of data, which takes time and resources to collect. ACT citizen science volunteers can collect much larger quantities of data than scientists or government staff are able to collect by themselves. Locals often know a lot about their area because they see changes that happen every day. Environmental managers can use these increased observations and specialised local knowledge to help make the best decisions.

The internet has enabled an expansion of citizen science. We can now easily record data on species in our local areas. Mobile phones are the perfect tool for citizen scientists as they have GPS location information, cameras and access to apps to help with data collection and species identification, like Canberra Nature Map.

Regent Honeyeater. Source: Ryan Colley

Health and wellbeing

Environmental volunteering is good for the health of our planet and good for our own health! Many volunteering activities are active and outdoors, which is good for our physical wellbeing. Being out in nature is also good for our mental health and can be relaxing and rewarding. Doing environmental activities with friends and other members of the local community can build our relationships and help us to feel a part of something important.

Economic benefits

Finally, environmental volunteering has enormous financial value. The immense work environmental volunteers undertake in the ACT each year is estimated to be worth over $21 million. This amount of work could not be done by government alone – our community plays a vital role in protecting the environment!